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A Publication of the 1888 Message Study Committee

CALLED, a bi-annual journal that seeks to share the beautiful message of Righteousness by Faith, draws its inspiration from the transformative power of this profound spiritual truth. It is born out of a deep desire to spread the message of God's unconditional love and His provision for our salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Recognizing the significance of this message in the lives of believers, CALLED aims to provide a platform for individuals to share their personal testimonies, reflections, and insights on how Righteousness by Faith has impacted their spiritual journey. By sharing these stories of transformation and God's grace, CALLED hopes to inspire, encourage, and equip readers to live out their faith with confidence and joy. Through its pages, CALLED aspires to ignite a renewed passion for this timeless truth, spurring readers on to a life lived in intimate relationship with God.


Moved by a heart appreciation for our Father’s saving work through Jesus Christ our Lord, this committee was formed for the following purposes:

  • To study the everlasting gospel in the context of Revelation 14 and 18 as revealed in the following sources:

    • Scripture

    • The testimony of Ellen G. White

    • The special message the Lord sent the church from 1888 to approximately 1896 through A.T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner

  • To share this gospel of the agape of Christ, in this time of the cleansing of the sanctuary, is the essential motivation for repentance, reformation, and service.

  • To support the mission of the Seventhday Adventist Church through cooperating with its evangelistic outreach, personal soul-winning, holding seminars and conferences, producing publications, and the use of other media.

  • To promote unity in the Seventh-day Adventist Church by fostering loyalty to the church and its fundamental beliefs, financially supporting the church through tithes and offerings,* praying for and encouraging the leadership of the church at all levels, and participating in local church activities.

    *This committee will not accept tithe from church members.

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